
Pub Dog Eatery and Dog Park

Pub Dog Eatery and Dog Park

Pub Dog Eatery and Dog Park

Project Snapshot

This project was a magical coming together of three of our favorite things: food, outdoor dining, and dogs! When RMG was asked to provide geologic and environmental studies, the foundation design, and the structural review for the Pub Dog Restaurant in Colorado Springs, we jumped at the chance! The project represented a commercial application for the Tella Firma Foundation System, which greatly reduced the cost of this alternative approach. Typical for a restaurant operation, numerous penetrations through the slab were required. But because of RMG’s forethought and ingenuity, the TF structural post-tension slab was able to adapt well to these penetrations. The slab was able to efficiently support the heavy assembly loads of this public operation with the uncontrolled fill remaining below the structure.


We brought our Tella Firma Foundation System to bear as an alternative — and more cost-efficient — solution to a structural challenge that could have put the client over budget and derailed the project entirely.

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